Thin Controler - Limiting case

I’ve come back to working with Rials after a tie away and picking up a
half completed project.

One of the controllers was based on a something I found on the web but
can no longer find. It was a definitively ‘thin’ controller.
Basically, it went like this:

class XyzController < ApplicationController

def firstmethod end
def secondmethod end
def thirdmethod end


def method_that_does_something


And of course the views/Xyz/firstmethod etc and the helper did ‘real
work’. Presumably the views had some other smarts in the :slight_smile:

I can no longer find the article on-line (google only does so much and
you have to wade though the rest) and I can’t find the article in y

I was wondering if anyone recalled the article or could point me to
something about such anorexically slim controllers.

After you become a millionaire, you can give all of your money away
because what’s important is not the million dollars; what’s important is
the person you have become in the process of becoming a millionaire. –
Jim Rohn