Thinking sphinx search error

Hello All, I wanted to implement sphinx search. I have following models.
Blog # post model has column “channel_feature_id” has_many :posts,
:foreign_key => “channel_feature_id” ------ Post # Indexes for thinking
sphinx define_index do indexes title indexes abstract indexes body
comments.body, :as => :comment_content # OPTIONAL: keeps search index
uptodate # First, add a boolean column to your model, named ‘delta’, and
have it default to true. # Then uncomment following line. #set_property
:delta => true end belongs_to :blog has_many :comments # GET published
named_scope :published, :conditions => [ ‘published = ?’, true ] ------
Comment belongs_to :post ------ In my search action i have ( params[:search] ) i dont know what is
wrong with me. i am getting following error Missing Attribute for
Key channel_feature_id

here is full trace…

search' /home/sandip/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.1.2/lib/active_record/named_scope.rb:158:in send’
method_missing' /home/sandip/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.1.2/lib/active_record/base.rb:1857:in with_scope’
send' /home/sandip/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.1.2/lib/active_record/associations/association_proxy.rb:164:in with_scope’
(DELEGATION):2:in __send__' (__DELEGATION__):2:in with_scope’
app/controllers/blogs_controller.rb:36:in `search’

Thanks, Sandip

Ruby on Rails Developer