Well, this is my simple port scanner
Instead of actually Threading the scan it just prints:
choose host:”
why ?
require ‘socket’
def scanner
print "choose host: "
arg1 = gets.chomp
print "choose starting port: "
arg2 = gets.to_i
print "choose ending port: "
arg3 = gets.to_i
while arg2 <= arg3
s = TCPSocket.new(arg1, arg2) # arg1 = host, arg2 = sport, arg3 =
if s
puts “Port #{arg2} is open!”
puts “Port #{arg2} is closed!”
arg2 += 1
This makes no sense. What you’re doing is create a single thread at the
end of the code. How is this thread supposed to create any concurrency?
It probably won’t even run, because the main thread will exit at pretty
much the same time.
What you probably want to do is create the socket objects in separate
threads. So do it:
Thread.new do
s = TCPSocket.new …
But you must save the thread objects in an array and call “join” for
each of them in the main thread. This will make the main thread wait for
the socket threads to finish.
*) You only launch one thread
*) You launch your whole program in that one thread
*) Your main thread doesn’t wait for the thread to do its work
*) You probably want to use Thread#new rather than Thread#start
This is not at all good, but works along the lines of what you are doing
here. Obviously there is a LOT of code missing.