Confession #1 - I’m not a web programmer ( but I have several ideas for
web based projects that I’d really like to use Ruby/Nitro/Og for )( 97+%
of my programming is C / *NIX shell scripting)
Confession #2 - I’ve been following Nitro/Og for a good while on the
lists and various associated sites. I’ve used Og, which I really,
really like, on several occasions to manage DB interactions(
PostgreSQL). (Most of these have been batch, large dataset loads, which
could Og isn’t optimized for, but has been more than sufficient for.)
I’ve started, but not finished, a first project with Nitro/Og ( this was
a good while back, and Nitro was changing a lot, very quickly then )
which is now on a back, back burner.
I really like the overall concept of what I think Nitro/Og represent.
Much more so than Rails, because Nitro/Og should allow one to easily
incorporate with pre-existing applications and database sets and because
Nitro/Og should make converting an idea into a database driven
application fairly simple and straightforward. However, given
Confession #1, ‘getting started’ with Nitro ( less so with Og ) has been
pretty much a futile effort( not simple and straightforward ). There’ve
several threads recently re documentation and examples, etc – “Please,
Please” – I know it may be a pain in the @$$ for those who have a good
understanding of the framework and are using it, but for those who are
looking for a base to build on – a starting point, simple step by step
introductions are a requirement). Having requested that, I realize that
providing this has been precluded by the ongoing, rapid advancement of
Nitro by those who do understand and use it. Documentation/Examples
require a ‘freezepoint’/version breakpoint in order to not be
invalidated by framework advancements.
Can .50 be that point? Or is there still too much to do to get the
framework to a pausing place?