Translations for active record models not working here

My setup:
Rails 3.0.3 with fast_gettext, I18n default locale set to ‘it’.

I have config/locales/it.yml with general translations (time and date
stuff, numbers etc.)
Then I created config/locales/models_it.yml, which contains:
user: ‘utente’
review: ‘recensione’
comment: ‘commento’

Then, I go and create a new review. This requires a comment. I submit
it without one and it says:
* Comment non pu essere lasciato in bianco

‘non pu essere lasciato in bianco’ means ‘can’t be blank’ and it’s
taken from the general it.yml file.

My review/new.html.erb has this at the top:
<% if @review.errors.any? %>

    <% @review.errors.full_messages.each do |msg| %>
  • <%= msg %>

  • <% end %>

<% end %>

I can print this: I18n.t(‘’) and
it works. ==> ‘commento’
So the problem is that ‘errors.full_messages’ I guess.

Is there something I need to set to make it use translations for model