So I’ve come at this a couple of ways, but all of my solutions look
awful, and I’m betting there’s a (more) elegant way to do this. I’m sure
there’s an array jocky who knows how to do this elegantly. Notice that
there are a couple of data points missing in the list of times (john was
out tues and mark monday, slackers…).
I’m using MySQL and Ruby 1.8.6
any help appreciated,
I’m trying to turn this:
Name Day Time
john mon 8
john wed 7
john thu 9
john fri 7
susan mon 8
susan tue 8
susan wed 9
susan thu 7
susan fri 7
mark tue 6
mark wed 5
mark thu 6
mark fri 5
Into this:
Job #6
mon tue wed thu fri sat sun total
john 8 - 7 8.5 7 - - 30.5
susan 8 8 8.5 7 7 - - 38.5
mark - 6 5 6 5 - - 22