I’ve been following along with these Slicehost tutorials on deploying a
Rails app:
but have also used Thin and Capistrano and am having a real tough time.
I’ve managed to get the files from my local computer up on the slice
with Capistrano, but when I run “sudo /etc/init.d/thin start” and check
out the domain all I get is “502 Bad Gateway nginx/0.6.32”. Then when I
run “sudo /etc/init.d/thin stop” I get these errors:
“[stop] /etc/thin/linksyncer.yml …
Stopping server on …
Can’t stop process, no PID found in tmp/pids/thin.3000.pid
Stopping server on …
Can’t stop process, no PID found in tmp/pids/thin.3001.pid
Stopping server on …
Can’t stop process, no PID found in tmp/pids/thin.3002.pid”
There also seems to be some trouble with Hpricot. In development.log I
have this error: " Status: 500 Internal Server Error no such file to
load – Hpricot" even though I’ve run sudo gem install hpricot.
Can anyone see where I’m messing up? Or perhaps have a link to a great
step-by-step deployment tutorial? Thanks!