Trouble with Capistrano and custom symlink from shared direc

Hi there

I have a Rails app which requires the client to upload image files to
a certain directory.

I’m using capistrano to deploy and have created a directory in shared:

I want to symlink this to my_rails_app/public/images/book_images and
have this task in my deploy.rb file:

desc “Link to the book images directory where uploads go”
task :after_symlink do
run “ln -nfs #{shared_dir}/book_images

However, iif I ssh into the current release, I see that the symlink
above is incorrect: the symlink to the shared book_images directory is
inside of public/images/book_images

that is, I end up with public/images/book_images/book_images

Any clues on how to resolve this would be appreciated.

Richard S. wrote:

that is, I end up with public/images/book_images/book_images

Any clues on how to resolve this would be appreciated.

Does your release_path/public already contain an images/book_images
directory before you symlink? I seem to remember having a similar
problem and it was because I already had a public/photos directory in
subversion and so when I deployed the app and then tried to link
public/photos to shared/photos, I remember something screwy happening.
My quicky hack workaround was to delete the real directory before I did
the symlink, i.e.:

task :after_update_code, :roles => :app do
run “rm -rf #{release_path}/public/photos”
run “ln -nfs #{shared_path}/photos #{release_path}/public/photos”



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On 11/1/06, Jamey C. [email protected] wrote:

Does your release_path/public already contain an images/book_images
directory before you symlink?

Yes and adding ‘rm -rf’ to the task fixes the issue.

Many thanks Jamey.

Richard S.

You could link the book_images/ backwards to …/…/shared/book_images
and keep the link under version control. Just an idea.

Upon closer inspection, the sylink is created fine, but for some
reason I can’t access the symlinked directory. It’s permissions are
the same as other directories but if I try and cd into it, I get ‘no
such file or directory’.

don’t you mean #{shared_path}

I do the same thing and it looks like this in my config/deploy.rb :

desc “Create the #{shared_dir}/files/production|development|test dirs "
“if they don’t exists and add symlink to #{shared_dir}/files from
" +
“the current release path”
task :symlink_files_dir, :roles => :app do
[‘production’,‘development’,‘test’].each do |env|
run “mkdir -p #{shared_path}/files/#{env}” unless

change owner and permission of files

sudo “chown --recursive #{user}:#{apache_group} #{shared_path}/files”
sudo “chmod --recursive 774 #{shared_path}/files”
run “mv #{release_path}/files #{release_path}/files.local”
run “ln -s #{shared_path}/files #{release_path}/files”

desc “Do these tasks after you update the code”
task :after_update_code do

Yeah - all is working fine now. Many thanks.