So, basically, I’m trying to get the below code to work properly for
“piglatin”. I have gotten it to work with mulitple words, if the word
starts with a vowel, if the word starts with a consonant, and if the
word starts with two consonants. This was a hell of a lot of trial and
error getting to this point.
However, I am stuck and need a little help getting unstuck. One thing
about “piglatin” is that I need to turn words like “quale” into
“alequay”. Also I need to have words like “square” to turn into
“aresquay”. AKA, if qu shows up somewhere, I need those letters (and
any that proceed it) to shift to the back and ad an +ay to the end.
The current code turns “quale” into “ualeqay” instead.
I have thought about this and really am unclear how to proceed about it.
The below code is the code I was talking about and made myself. I
realize some things could probably be “cleaner” about it, but I’m just
starting to learn so it will do for now.
Anyhow, I would love to somehow get unstuck with this.
def translate(words)
vowels=%w(a e i o u)
consonants=%w(b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x y z)
words.gsub(/\w+/) do |word| #the word in a array
z=word.scan(/\w/) #checks to see if first letter has a vowel
contains_vowels=vowels & z.first.split(",")
two_consonants=z[0…1] & consonants
three_consonants = z[0…2] & consonants
I’ll have to have a think about the “qu” problem (one of the geniuses
will probably beat me to it), but check this Regex out for extracting
consonants: /a-z&&[^aeiou]]/i
Try it on
On a side note, I tried the /a-z&&[^aeiou]]/i in It
basically said, “Forward slashes must be escaped”. I’m not sure it
works. I’m not familiar with using that website though. I always just
use IRB to test things.
any that proceed it) to shift to the back and ad an +ay to the end.
word = “square”
=> “square”
first, second = word.match(/(.qu)(.)/).captures
=> [“squ”, “are”]
=> “aresquay”
any that proceed it) to shift to the back and ad an +ay to the end.
word = “square”
=> “square”
first, second = word.match(/(.qu)(.)/).captures
=> [“squ”, “are”]
=> “aresquay”
Way better than the shameful hack I ended up trying (writing another
method to pass all the results through)
On a side note, I tried the /a-z&&[^aeiou]]/i in It
basically said, “Forward slashes must be escaped”. I’m not sure it
works. I’m not familiar with using that website though. I always just
use IRB to test things.
Maybe I am just bad at this, but I’m having a hard time figuring out how
to implement what Jesus is saying into my if statements or code.
Maybe I’m just bad at this (well, I sort of am, but I am trying to
learn). Could someone maybe give me a nudge as to how to implement it
into my code?
You don’t have to give me the full answer, but some help would be great
I’m guessing the argument words is just a string, since you are
gsubbing it, so let’s call it sentence.
What I’d do is split it first, then process each word separately,
applying the piglatin rules:
words = sentence.split(/\W/) # or some other variation! do |word|
I have looked at what you are saying. I’m having a hard time seeing how
to work it into what I currently have. But I am trying to implement
what you are saying.
I got lost trying to decode your logic for two consonants, three
consonants etc, so here is a simple implementation of the rules from
Wikipedia instead.
def translate(words)
words.gsub(/\w+/) do |word|
case word
# In words that begin with consonant sounds, the initial consonant
# consonant cluster is moved to the end of the word, and “ay” is
# Note that “qu” is treated as a consonant sound.
when /^((b|c|d|f|g|h|j|k|l|m|n|p|qu|r|s|t|v|w|x|y|z)+)(.)/i
# In words that begin with vowel sounds or silent consonants, the
# vowel is removed and the syllable “way” added to the end of the
# FIXME: silent consonants are not considered here.
when /^[aeiou]+(.)/i
puts translate(“pig computer happy question another about quale square”)
You may find the above rather terse for your liking, but it boils down
to “if the word matches this pattern, then rebuild it using the captured
parts like this”. It’s an example of the power and brevity of ruby
So, basically, I’m trying to get the below code to work properly for
“piglatin”. I have gotten it to work with mulitple words, if the word
starts with a vowel, if the word starts with a consonant, and if the
word starts with two consonants. This was a hell of a lot of trial and
error getting to this point.
This is not a complete solution, but maybe you can modify the ‘if’
statement to make the rules.
I am a bit rusty with pig latin.
def pig(w)
arr = []
(1…w.size).each do |a|
if w[0…a] !~ /[aeiou]/ or (w[0…(a-1)] !~ /[aeiou]/ and
w[0…a] =~ /qu\z/)
arr << w[a…-1]+w[0…a]+“ay”
arr << w + “way” if w[0…0] =~ /[aeiou]/
words = [ “square”, “quiet”, “bird”,