These are 2 basic questions that I’m stuck with:
Going ‘:back’ to the referring page
I’d like to create a link that allows the user to go to the referring
page. I saw this solution:
<%= link_to ‘Back’, @request.env[“HTTP_REFERER”] %>
But, naturally, this creates a link that is a fresh call to the previous
page. This loses the request parameters loses the effect of the query
that created the previous page… (in fact, results in an exception) The
other way seems to be javascript:
Go back
Is this the only practical way? -
How do I formulate a transaction across two tables?
I want to delete a “request” if I can successfully save the “data” - the
examples in AWDWR (i think) only talk about transactions on 1 table and
specifically say that it’s not supported across databases… but have
been unable to determine anything about two tables in the same