Hi all,
I just upgraded to Typo 4.1.1, and everything seems great, except
that it’s taking 15-20 seconds to load each page (unless I already
loaded that page within that last few minutes). I’m using Typo’s
default mongrel server (through “typo start /typo/directory”).
Does anyone know what could be causing this?
Hi Eamon ~
What environment are you running in? If you are running in
development mode, controllers, models, and more are reloaded each time
you pull a page. Be sure you are running in production mode to remove
that overhead.
~ Ben
On 5/14/07, Eamon F. [email protected] wrote:
[email protected]
Ben R.
“Ben R.” [email protected] writes:
Hi Eamon ~
What environment are you running in? If you are running in
development mode, controllers, models, and more are reloaded each time
you pull a page. Be sure you are running in production mode to remove
that overhead.
I’m seriously considering ditching the ‘reload classes’ aspect of
Typo’s development mode; I’m starting to get suspicious of Rails’
class reloading, especially given the way our textfilter and sidebar
subsystems work.
Another thing to look at as a possible issue with the slowdown is,
what sidebars are you using?
Aha, that’s the problem: the Flickr sidebar seems to be slowing Typo
down. I hadn’t been using it in 4.0.3 because it wasn’t working, but
when 4.1.1 came around I activated the Flickr sidebar, and that’s
when I started having performance issues. So when I deactivate the
Flickr sidebar, Typo is back up to speed.
Thank you!
We have an issue with flickr plugin as it uses the flickr RSS and not
the flickr API.
Plus flickr has became quite slow lately.
Le 15 mai 07 à 09:53, Eamon F. a écrit :
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Frédéric de Villamil
[email protected] tel: +33 (0)6 62 19 1337
http://fredericdevillamil.com Typo : http://typosphere.org
Hmm, I ran RAILS_ENV=production to be sure I’m in production mode,
but that didn’t seem to help… Any other things I can try?