When running rake against r1004 I am seeing a lot of failures against
and Ruby 1.8.4. Is this the current state of things or should I not be
getting any errors?
I thought running rake db:test:prepare would take care of any migration
Also I notice it targets the DEV environment when I run it is this the
intended behaviour?
Anyway, that’s got me further now only two tests fail in r1004.
NoMethodError: You have a nil object when you didn’t expect it!
You might have expected an instance of Array.
The error occured while evaluating nil.length
NoMethodError: You have a nil object when you didn’t expect it!
You might have expected an instance of Array.
The error occured while evaluating nil.length
On 4/10/06, Steve L. [email protected] wrote:> When running
rake against r1004 I am seeing a lot of failures against MySQL> and Ruby
1.8.4. Is this the current state of things or should I not be> getting
any errors?>> 207 tests, 197 assertions, 0 failures, 146 errors> rake
aborted!> Test failures>> Most of the errors seem to relate to the
blog_id column an example:>> ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid:
Mysql::Error: Unknown column ‘blog_id’ in> ‘field list’: INSERT INTO
contents (updated_at, body, guid, url,> author, type, id, blog_id, article_id, created_at, email)> VALUES (‘2004-05-02
20:00:02’, ‘Comment body italicbold’,> ‘b1i2n3g4o5t6i7v’, ’ www.google.com’, ‘John Bar’, ‘Comment’, 15, 1, 14,> ‘2004-05-02
20:00:02’, ‘[email protected]’)>>>
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