Typo, Digg, xmlrpc and troubles

I am trying to connect my blog to Digg (http://digg.com/settings/blog).
It does not work. Anybody managed this ?
Digg asks for the following and here are my answers:

Blog API: metaweblog api
URL for XML-RPC of Blog:
URL of Blog: http://harryseldon.thinkosphere.com/ *
Blog Username: my_blog_user_name
Blog Password: my_password **

Digg answers:
Please specify the API of your blog *
Please specify the password for your blog **
There was an error accessing your blog. Please check the settings below.
One of them may be incorrect. The error returned from your server was:

*Weird indeed
** Weirder indeed
*** there is nothing else, yet wierder !

I am using Typo 5.1.2
Any ideas ?

PS I made a post about typo and social bookmarking sites here:

Harry S. wrote:

One of them may be incorrect. The error returned from your server was:
PS I made a post about typo and social bookmarking sites here:

I test in my own blog and DIGG setting. If I try every setting and I see
my own production log. I see no ping to my blog. So it’s maybe a DIGG
issue :frowning:

Cyril M.

OK, thanks Cyril.

Cyril M. wrote:

I test in my own blog and DIGG setting. If I try every setting and I see
my own production log. I see no ping to my blog. So it’s maybe a DIGG
issue :frowning:

Cyril M.