I have an active blog, http://www.murmini.com and it has been
remarkably robust for a couple of years. Over the past few months it
has become painfully slow. If your posting articles or comments or
making any updates via the admin interface, it takes forever for it to
accept changes. I am now receiving a lot of emails from people telling
me they can’t post comments as their browser times-out before it
posts. I am hosting it on Rails Machine and the team there can’t find
what is wrong with it. I would be very very grateful of someone
knowledgeable with the workings of Typo could contact me and suggest
what we can do. Its a great program and has served me very well,
however of recent it has become very frustrating. Thanks you in
advance for any help you can provide. murray
On 1/1/08, Murray W. [email protected] wrote:
however of recent it has become very frustrating. Thanks you in
advance for any help you can provide. murray
Cache sweeping turns out to be a major timesink for typo, especially
if there’s a lot of items in the page cache because, until recently,
the sweep involved hitting the database and deleting each cached file
individually. The problematic changes in Typo 5 are an attempt to work
around that problem by moving the article and pages directories into a
temporary ‘trash’ directory and then nuking that directory with an ‘rm
The catch with that approach is that for reasons I still can’t quite
understand, sometimes it’s moving the entire typo directory into the
trash directory, which is less than ideal.
This is, obviously, a lousy time to be laid up with flu - I can no
more wrap my brain around code at the moment than fly over the moon.