UCLA_ZigBee_THY (802.15.4) updated to GR 3.1.3?


Has anyone updated Thomas S.'s UCLA_ZigBee_PHY project to work with
top_block and hier_block2 in the current GNU Radio 3.1.3 release? I am
the beginning of my master’s thesis and hoped that I could use Schmid’s
to get started with my implementation of a IEEE 802.15.4 text message
transceiver. I checked out the code from CGRAN: *

  • , but unfortunately this code is based on flow_graph and hier_block
    the old trunk…

If no such code exists, is there any guideline available to transform a
project from using hier_block to hier_block2 and flow_graph to
top_block? I
am a newbie at GNU Radio, is this difficult?


Here’s a quick guide, provided by Firas to a similar question of mine:

you might also want to talk with Leslie C.:

Dimitris S.
“If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping with
a mosquito!” - Amnesty International

Hi Sanna,

Yes, the code has been updated, but it didn’t just yet make it into
CGRAN. For now, you can get the code from github:

Note that the code was ported by Leslie, who is also on this list.



On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 5:15 AM, Dimitris S. [email protected]

https://www.cgran.org/cgran/projects/ucla_zigbee_phy/trunk ucla_zigbee_phy ,

Discuss-gnuradio Info Page

“Don’t complain; Just work harder” - Randy Pausch

Thomas S., Ph.D. Candidate
Networked & Embedded Systems Laboratory (NESL)
University of California, Los A. (UCLA)

I have the code working with the current trunk and will hopefully be
updating the CGRAN repository soon. This is all on the RX path,
although the TX path will not be much harder to port…if I or
someone else has the time…