Unable to install rvm

I’ve never had this problem before, and have no idea why I have it now.

Environment: I’m running Kubuntu Linux 13.04

Problem: I couple of days ago a previously-working installation of rvm
simply disappeared. There have been a number of updates to my OS in the
past week, and /maybe/ that’s related to this. I have NO idea. It simple
is unknown to my OS. All attempts to re-install it have failed so far.

Terminal output: http://pastie.org/8127844

Synopsis of terminal output:

  1. lines 1-3: rvm is clearly not installed. (But my /home/{account}/.rvm
    directory is where I’d expect it to be. Furthermove, deleting this
    before an re-install attempt has had no effect on the outcome.)

  2. lines 5-40: rvm is installed using the command Wayne S. suggests at
    the rvm website. The output line “RVM sourcing line not found for Zsh,
    run the installer with ‘–auto-dotfiles’ to fix it.” puzzles me. I’ve no
    idea what “Zsh” is, nor is it clear what “installer” he’s referring to.
    I guess he’s referring to the command that supposedly install rvm. On an
    early attempt to install it, I did try this:

\curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash --auto-dotfiles

but it appears to have no effect. rvm still appeared to be NOT installed
and EOJ.

  1. lines 41-43: rvm is still not installed.

  2. lines 45-50: I try the apt-get install (with no expectation it will
    work). No go.

Any suggestions as to how to fix this will be much appreciated. I am
running an identical OS on an HP netbook, and have rvm successfully
installed and running just fine, there.


Tom C., MS MA
Cedar City / St. George, Utah, U.S.A: (435) 272-3332
<< [email protected] >> (email) << TomCloyd.com >> (website)
<< Sleightmind.com >> (mental health issues weblog)

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 5:36 AM, Tom C. [email protected]

  1. lines 1-3: rvm is clearly not installed.

Untrue. All you can say from that is that the rvm command is either
not in your PATH or is not executable. The fact that the rvm install
says ‘upgrading’ is probably a clue :slight_smile:

Perhaps your .bashrc is broken, or simply not being sourced. Try
comparing with the system you say is working properly.

On Jul 10, 2013, at 5:36 AM, Tom C. [email protected] wrote:

  1. lines 1-3: rvm is clearly not installed. (But my /home/{account}/.rvm
    directory is where I’d expect it to be. Furthermove, deleting this before an
    re-install attempt has had no effect on the outcome.)

[email protected]

(email) << TomCloyd.com >> (website)
<< Sleightmind.com >> (mental health issues weblog)

After you install rvm via the curl/bash combo, you have to get it into
your environment. You have to source $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm in your
current terminal, and make sure a line like that is added to your
shell’s init script (.bash_profile or .profile for bash, something else
for .zsh which I don’t use so I don’t bother to remember). The script
indicated there is a source line in your .bashrc, but you didn’t bother
to execute it. So:

$ source $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm


Log out of your terminal program (or maybe you need to log out of your
system) and log back in.

After you’ve done either of those things, run:

$ rvm current
$ rvm use
$ rvm info

and see what you get.

On 07/10/2013 06:40 PM, Tamara T. wrote:

Synopsis of terminal output:

Cedar City / St. George, Utah, U.S.A: (435) 272-3332

and see what you get.

OK, Tamara, you’re my new Ruby god. Er…goddess! That DID IT! Due to
work pressures, I’m only now getting back to this problem, after more
than a month - having rvm and its rubies working fine on my netbook -
good enough for now. But with your help it appear that my desktop will
be back in service, relative to rvm.

Thanks again for your help and to the point suggestions. Very much


Tom C., MS MA
Cedar City / St. George, Utah, U.S.A: (435) 272-3332
<< [email protected] >> (email) << TomCloyd.com >> (website)
<< Sleightmind.com >> (mental health issues weblog)

Hi Tom

The Z shell aka zsh is the “last shell you’ll ever need”… It’s a
compatible Korn shell clone with c shell emulation modes and very good
completion mechanisms which exceeds tcsh tab completion. If your unsure
what that is you can simply ignore it as rvm does not depend on it. If
interested in what rvm needs to enable it to function properly they have
well documented on it’s main website. If you run into issues with rvm
consider for the moment that it’s merely a convenience tool. You have
freedom to grab the ruby sources and build your own binaries as well
by understanding how PATH works you can fully grasp how the environment
functions as well as how to manipulate it towards your needs. None the
I would highly recommend looking into rvmrc for your projects which is
way that rvm helps with freezing ruby patch/versions for production.


On 07/10/2013 09:37 AM, Hassan S. wrote:

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 5:36 AM, Tom C. [email protected] wrote:

  1. lines 1-3: rvm is clearly not installed.
    Untrue. All you can say from that is that the rvm command is either
    not in your PATH or is not executable. The fact that the rvm install
    says ‘upgrading’ is probably a clue :slight_smile:

Perhaps your .bashrc is broken, or simply not being sourced. Try
comparing with the system you say is working properly.

Hassan, you were exactly right. My .bashrc file had the critical script
line that Tamara pointed out commented out. All fixed now.

Thanks! Sorry to be slow getting back to you. I always have trouble
finding enough time for this sort of stuff.


Tom C., MS MA
Cedar City / St. George, Utah, U.S.A: (435) 272-3332
<< [email protected] >> (email) << TomCloyd.com >> (website)
<< Sleightmind.com >> (mental health issues weblog)

On 08/15/2013 10:36 PM, Stu wrote:

sources and build your own binaries as well which by understanding how
mailto:[email protected]> wrote:


Tom C., MS MA
Cedar City / St. George, Utah, U.S.A:(435) 272-3332 


<<[email protected]  <mailto:[email protected]>  >> (email) << TomCloyd.com >> 


<< Sleightmind.com >> (mental health issues weblog)

Thanks Stu. Now another spot in my vast sea of ignorance is flooded with
light! Gotta love that…

Will definitely check out zsh, as well as rvmrc. I’m pretty sold on rvm,
frankly. Looks like intelligence at work, which is what got me into ruby
in the first place.


Tom C., MS MA
Cedar City / St. George, Utah, U.S.A: (435) 272-3332
<< [email protected] >> (email) << TomCloyd.com >> (website)
<< Sleightmind.com >> (mental health issues weblog)

Hi Tom

Gotta start somewhere. Ruby is a great general purpose language which
provides no limits to programming style which sets it apart from other
scripting languages, based on this fact, it empowers us. I was there at
early and humble beginnings of rvm on irc. Wayne did a great job with

Have fun hacking ruby!
