Undefined method 'clear'

Hi folks.

I tried to get Rails I18n running with gettext, but without success.
I’m using Rails 2.3.8, i18n 0.4.1 and gettext 2.1.0.

I added the following lines to environment.rb:

config.gem “locale”
config.gem “locale_rails”
config.gem “gettext”
config.gem “gettext_activerecord”
config.gem “gettext_rails”
config.i18n.default_locale = :de

To the application controller I added:

init_gettext “my_app”

I set up the remaining things (rake tasks to generate and update po/mo
files). Fired up the server getting this result when trying to visit
any page:

NoMethodError in StaticController#index

undefined method `clear’ for I18n::Locale:Module

i18n.rb:34:in locale=' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/locale_rails-2.0.5/lib/locale_rails/ action_controller/base.rb:43:ininit_locale’
callbacks.rb:178:in `send’

Any ideas what’s going wrong?

Thanks for your help in advance.


Hi Sebastian,

I had the same problem and I found the solution here:

Waiting for a locale_rails gem > 2.0.5, that maybe will include the fix,
I just replaced directly this file:

where basically each relative Locale reference is now absolute as

Franco S.