Undefined method `name' for "41":String

plz see this
reply if u find any error or suggestion…
plz its urgent


On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 1:09 AM, shyam mohan
[email protected]wrote:

Shyam, local variables are not accessing within the view. Thus, you’ll
to change

charges = Charge.find(:all,:conditions =>“company_id =#{comp_id}”)


@charges = Charge.find(:all,:conditions => [ “company_id = ?” , comp_id
] )

Next, I would recommend reading “Agile Web D. with Rails 3rd”
as well

as the guides.rubyonrails.org.

Good luck,




Thanks for replying
but problem was some thing else…


On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 3:01 AM, shyam mohan
[email protected]wrote:


Did you resolve the issue?


On 20 March 2010 10:08, Colin L. [email protected] wrote:

You have

<%=h charge.name %>

Where is the variable called charge setup?

I think in the cherry-picking of code to put into pastie, an “each”
line was missed out around here:
<% charges = params[:charges]
if charges %>
<%=h charge.name %>

But the upshot is; if you are populating “charges” from the params
hash, what is in params? I’d put money on params[:charges] returning
an array of integers that are ids of charges (hence getting “undefined
method `name’ for “41”:String” as the error). If you want “charges” to
be a collection of Charge objects that match the ids in
params[:charges] - get that all sorted in the controller.

On 20 March 2010 08:09, shyam mohan [email protected] wrote:

plz see this
reply if u find any error or suggestion…
plz its urgent

You have

<%=h charge.name %>

Where is the variable called charge setup?

You might like to have a look at rails guide on debugging, it will
show you several ways of analysing this sort of issue when you cannot
see the problem by code inspection. http://guides.rubyonrails.org/
Look particularly at the use of ruby-debug.
