Undefined method `start_form_tag'

I tried to generate the form using
<%= start_form_tag :action => ‘create’ %> in
and when i browse to localhost:3000/book/new i got
following error

undefined method `start_form_tag’ for #ActionView::Base:0xb67231f0

Please help me to solve this


Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 27, 2011, at 9:15 AM, amritpal pathak [email protected]

I tried to generate the form using
<%= start_form_tag :action => ‘create’ %> in
and when i browse to localhost:3000/book/new i got the
following error

undefined method `start_form_tag’ for #ActionView::Base:0xb67231f0

Start_form_tag and end_form_tag were deprecated in Rails 2.0. Use Rails
3 documentation to see the proper use of form_tag.


On 27 March 2011 16:15, Bryan C. [email protected] wrote:

Start_form_tag and end_form_tag were deprecated in Rails 2.0. Use Rails 3
documentation to see the proper use of form_tag.

In addition if you are using an ancient tutorial then stop and find an
up to date one that uses Rails 3. The free online one at
railstutorial.org is not bad.


On 28 March 2011 13:02, amritpal p. [email protected] wrote:

Colin L. Thanks for reply.I am using rails version 2.3.8.Is this reason
for getting the error?

As Bryan said those were deprecated and presumably are now no longer
there, so yes I expect so.

The link which you suggessted for tutorials provide stuff paid!Is there
any good free tutorials for RoR?

It is free to use online (rather than downloading complete tutorial).
Click in the first paragraph of railstutorial.org where it says
‘available for free online’.

I suggest you upgrade to Rails 3 first though. There is no point
starting with an out of date version (2.3.8) unless you need to
maintain legacy code.


Colin L. Thanks for reply.I am using rails version 2.3.8.Is this reason
for getting the error?
The link which you suggessted for tutorials provide stuff paid!Is there
any good free tutorials for RoR?
