Upgrading rails 3.0.0.rc.2 and rspec 2.0.0.beta.20 breaks my view tests

I was using rails 3 rc and rspec beta 19, and everything worked fine.
Today i updated and i get errors on the following methods:

rendered.should contain(“bla”)

rendered.should have_xpath(//table//tr)

rendered.should have_selector(’#foo’)

What should i do?

I rolled back to version 2.0.0.beta.19 and everything is fine again.

On Aug 24, 2010, at 5:09 AM, nathanvda wrote:

What should i do?
I rolled back to version 2.0.0.beta.19 and everything is fine again.

Beta 20 removes the dependency on webrat, so you can choose webrat or
capybara. This means you need to add the dependency to the Gemfile
yourself. This is documented in the README [1] and upgrade notes [2],
which are referenced in the post-install message you get when you
install rspec-rails.


[1] GitHub - rspec/rspec-rails: RSpec for Rails 5+
[2] http://github.com/rspec/rspec-rails/blob/master/Upgrade.markdown

Great David, thank you for your help!
I did look at the docs but did not find that straighaway.