Upload Progress

I have been trying to get a File Upload Progress system working, and I
have tried using Sean Treadway’s plugin, but I can’t seem to get it to
work… Building my own seems to be the logical answer, but how would
I get the total bytes received from a file? What do I call? Thanks for
your help and time.

Why don’t you look at Sean Treadway’s plugin source?

Hi Ben, Hi Greg,

I’ve setup rails with lightpd 1.4.11 but I’m like you ben, i cannot
make Sean Treadway’s plugin working.
I saw on his web site that since around 1.4.4 streaming stopped
So here is a COMMUNITY CALL : “does someone managed to have Sean
Treadway’s upload progress bar plugin working with either Apache or
lightpd ?”
Greg did you manage to have it working ? ben ?

thanks for your help !

So here is a COMMUNITY CALL : “does someone managed to have Sean
Treadway’s upload progress bar plugin working with either Apache or
lightpd ?”
I tried the example, and it was interesting - yes, the helper is
obviously recognized. because it created the upload field, but when I
submitted, it was just a regular request… odd…

Ben wrote:

I have been trying to get a File Upload Progress system working, and I
have tried using Sean Treadway’s plugin, but I can’t seem to get it to
work… Building my own seems to be the logical answer, but how would
I get the total bytes received from a file? What do I call? Thanks for
your help and time.

Hi Ben,

The Sean Treadway’s plugin is not working for me also.
it does not allow my lighttpd service to start.
I think i have problem of fasctcgi.

Please anyone help me


Greg Gross wrote:

Why don’t you look at Sean Treadway’s plugin source?

I have to admit… I can’t find it; I am new to rails, and am not sure
what’s a var, and what’s a constant always… you never really know
without going through every line of code and jotting down variables…