Hi, i provide html appearance with ruby-gtk-webkit gem. Can i provide
without any gem? I tried label.set_markup but it didn’t recognise html
The usual alternative to using a gem would be to write your own code.
Gems are just code required from other files. If you don’t want to
“import” anything, you can even copy and paste the gem’s code into your
Joel P. wrote in post #1100363:
The usual alternative to using a gem would be to write your own code.
Gems are just code required from other files. If you don’t want to
“import” anything, you can even copy and paste the gem’s code into your
Okey, thank you.
But… if you copy and paste de gem’s code… a future actualization of
that code (e.g. a corrected bug, a security patch,…) will be loose…
Isn’ t it?
2013/3/6 Ebru A. [email protected]
If you want a project which doesn’t incorporate external gems then the
onus will be on you to keep all code up-to-date.