I want to run ruby code in my java project.
I can run it by using jruby. - (I have added the jar to my project)
Now I want to use ruby gems in my code. -The “require” word doesn’t
Maybe I have to add the jars of them. How?
How can I run ruby code using gems from Java?
Yes, if i write: require “rubygems”, it fails.-That’s the problem.
Did you succeed in using it from java?
Are you having trouble when running JRuby embedded in a Java
application, or just using JRuby standalone? I’ve never had any
problems loading gems when using JRuby standalone. The only time I
have had problems is when trying to embed JRuby, either by not using
jruby-complete.jar, not providing an appropriate filesystem GEM_HOME,
or when trying to load gems in an OSGi context.
This forum is not affiliated to the Ruby language, Ruby on Rails framework, nor any Ruby applications discussed here.