I’m using Engines-Login_Engine-User_Engine all worked fine until…
I’ve added a column to the user database…using migrations. I’ve also
changed the view by creating a new view in ‘RAILS_APP/path/to/view’.
I’ve also correctly configured which fields are ‘changeable’.
Here’s my problem. The edit_user function does nothing when the form
gets submitted. It just renders a blank page. I’ve looked in the
controller and there doesn’t appear to be anything that I’ve changed in
it. I can change passwords, change roles.
Does anyone have any ideas why this simple function would stop working?
It seems that everything is configured correctly.
Thanks for any info.
Is there any information in the logs? Errors being reported, etc etc…
It wasn’t a problem with either of your engines. I had installed the
new UserStamp plugin and didn’t have it correctly configured yet. It
all works now.
On a related note, the final config to the userstamp was to add a
cattr_accessor to the model. In your documentation you mentioned that
overriding models/libs would be easier in the future. Can you just give
me a brief description of how you’ll be doing this?
Thanks. Once again, I love the work you’ve done on the engines.
Hi Joshua, apologies for the delayed reply:
On 1/26/06, joshua schairbaum [email protected] wrote:
In your documentation you mentioned that
overriding models/libs would be easier in the future. Can you just give
me a brief description of how you’ll be doing this?
I would like to try and make it easier, but there’s no concrete plan
of action at the moment. The current ‘preferred’ technique for making
it easy to override model methods is by packaging the model
functionality into modules which can then be easily included in an
application’s custom model classes. It’s not ideal, but it works…