First, James thanks again for giving us these engines. This makes it so
easy to control access to Rails sites in a flexible manner. Just what
the Dr. ordered.
I need to extensions to the basic user_engine and I am wondering if I
have missed finding similar features in the documentation. Or failing
that, some suggestion on how best to add this functions.
I’d like to be able to expire a user’s session. So for example I’d like
to time-stamp each request from a user session and then if more than xxx
minutes have passed I would like the user to have to log back in.
Similarly, I would like to force the user to re-verfiy their user id and
password for a subset of actions.
Many thanks - Jonathan
Probably the simplest way to do this is just using an additional
before_filter, something like:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
include LoginEngine; include UserEngine
before_filter :authorize_action
before_filter :expire_stale_session
def expire_stale_session
if user?
if session[:user_timestamp].nil?
session[:user_timestamp] =
return true
elsif ( - session[:user_timestamp]) > 600 #seconds
session[:user] = nil # log them out
session[:user_timestamp] = nil # reset the timer
flash[:message] = “Your session has timed out. Please
store_location # so when they do log in they come back here
access_denied # redirect them to the login page
return false # stop the filtering
… I’ve not tested that at all, but something along those lines
should work. To require the user to re-enter their password, you could
a line of code like below to the top of only those certain actions
(presuming that you’ve supplied a form on those pages which puts the
password into params[:password])
if User.authenticate(current_user.login, params[:password]).nil?
flash[:message] = “Wrong password!”
Essentially you’re just checking if the current user can be
authenticated with the password they’ve just supplied. Again - I’ve
not tested that but it should be something like this.
On 1/31/06, Jonathan W. [email protected] wrote:
minutes have passed I would like the user to have to log back in.
Many thanks for the suggestions, I’ll give them a try!