I found a comment in the source code of the MPSK block, that it could
be used for oQPSK demodulation. I think this block is very interesting
implementation, however I’m not sure which parameters I should use for
oQPSK. In the gr-ieee802_15_4 implementation from Thomas S. he
uses a Quadrature Demod with an MM Clock Recovery where the parameters
omega = self.sps
gain_omega = .25gain_mugain_mu # critically damped
This works just fine - with a Quadrature Demodulator.
Can somebody suggest parameters for the MPSK Block, or give me some
hints how I can calculate/test them at least? The MPSK block uses a
Costas Loop for Demodulation, so the approach is quite different here.
Also I wonder whether it’s possible to use a 4QAM Demod, because
practically a 4QAM mod produces the same wave-form like a QPSK.
Practically at least ,)