Hi guys,
I’m using abingo to a/b test on my website. I have a buttong that I
would like to test with different words. Currently I have the test set
up like so:
<% ab_test(“signup_test”, [“START YOUR MEMBERSHIP”,“SIGN UP”, “CLICK
HERE”]) do |button_text| %>
<%= button_to button_text, :new_user_registration, {:method=>:get,
‘data-theme’=>‘mp’, :onclick=>“_gaq.push([‘_trackEvent’, ‘Users’,
‘Sign Up’]);”} %>
<% end %>
This seems consistent with Ryan B. screencast on abingo
For some reason, I’m getting the weirdest error:
undefined method `block_called_from_erb?’ for #<#Class:0x105432050:
I have tried to google this, but to no avail. Any hints, ideas as to
what this error may mean? Why does it not like my block?
Thanks in advance.