I’m developing a new rails project using an existing SQL SERVER 2008
rails 4.1.2
activerecord-sqlserver-adapater 4.1.2
my model is
class IpProject < ActiveRecord::Base
self.table_name = ‘IP_Projects’
self.primary_key = “ProjectID”
I know I can connect to the database because I get a result when I try
to get count of all data.
but I can’t retrieve data as it has no column
IpProject.columns returns []
I get results using ActiveRecords
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.exec_query(“SELECT * FROM ip_projects”)
I also get result using tiny_tds
client.execute(“SELECT * FROM ip_projects”)
Also, getting result using the model this way
IpProject.connection.exec_query(“SELECT * FROM ip_projects”).first
but using the model
returns #IpProject:0xab01c98 which has no columns or data
Am I missing something here?