Hi all together…
I try since few day to use in_place_editor as plugin…
so I installed it with
ruby script/plugin install
and now?!?
I get the error
undefined method `in_place_editor’ for #ActionView::Base:0xb724504c
Ive tried to use require 'in_place_editor' in my controller.. but it didn
t work…
I use it in my view with:
<%= in_place_editor “tr_#{tr.id}”,
:url => { :action => :set_translation_text, :id => tr.id },
:load_text_url => url_for({ :action => :translation_text, :id =>
tr.id })%>
thanks for help!
On 24 May 2008, at 17:52, Guido Holz wrote:
Hi all together…
I try since few day to use in_place_editor as plugin…
so I installed it with
ruby script/plugin install
That’s not the in place editor you’re looking for. The one extracted
from rails is at http://svn.rubyonrails.org/rails/plugins/
On 25 May 2008, at 08:05, Guido Holz wrote:
Hi Frederick,
thanks for the response, but I can´t checkout from svn.rubyonrails.org
I´ve tried to checkout via “svn” on my shell and with tortoise under
windows without any result…
The error-message is “could not connect to server svn.rubyonrails.org”
i there something that I do wrong?
You might be omitting the http:// which might make it try svn://
svn co http://svn.rubyonrails.org/rails/plugins/in_plac_editing/
worked fine for me.
Hi Frederick,
thanks for the response, but I can´t checkout from svn.rubyonrails.org
I´ve tried to checkout via “svn” on my shell and with tortoise under
windows without any result…
The error-message is “could not connect to server svn.rubyonrails.org”
i there something that I do wrong?
thanks Guido
Frederick C. wrote:
On 24 May 2008, at 17:52, Guido Holz wrote:
Hi all together…
I try since few day to use in_place_editor as plugin…
so I installed it with
ruby script/plugin install
That’s not the in place editor you’re looking for. The one extracted
from rails is at http://svn.rubyonrails.org/rails/plugins/
On 26 May 2008, at 14:17, Guido Holz wrote:
I´ve got it today…
I´ve installed it with
ruby script/plugin install
But when i try know, I get the same failure
Did you restart the server ?
I´ve got it today…
I´ve installed it with
ruby script/plugin install
But when i try know, I get the same failure
undefined method `in_place_editor’ for #ActionView::Base:0xb6efca5c
Extracted source (around line #8):
6: <%= render :partial => ‘translation_text’, :object => tr.text %>
8: <%= in_place_editor “tr_#{tr.id}”,
9: :url => { :action => :set_translation_text, :id => tr.id },
10: :load_text_url => url_for({ :action => :translation_text, :id =>
tr.id })%>
I´ve tried to to put “require ‘in_place_editor’” but it doesn´t matter
what goes wrong?!?
thanks for help!
Frederick C. wrote:
On 25 May 2008, at 08:05, Guido Holz wrote:
Hi Frederick,
thanks for the response, but I can�t checkout from svn.rubyonrails.org
I�ve tried to checkout via “svn” on my shell and with tortoise under
windows without any result…
The error-message is “could not connect to server svn.rubyonrails.org”
i there something that I do wrong?
You might be omitting the http:// which might make it try svn://
svn co http://svn.rubyonrails.org/rails/plugins/in_plac_editing/
worked fine for me.