Hi Ollivier. …some of this you might have already figured out.
Create a new gallery by going to the Admin UI and clicking on the
“Galleries” tab. Click on the “New Gallery” button and from there
upload some pics, edit the gallery description, etc. Name the gallery
“MyPics” for example.
Then go to the “Pages” tab and create a new page, call it “Photos” for
example, and make sure you select the “Gallery” page type from the
“Page Type” drop-down selections. In the body of this page, you’ll put
some html and radiant tags to display pics from your “MyPics” gallery.
Here’s the code I use for my galleries with some explanations added:
<!-- galleries -->
<div class="galleries">
I have several galleries, so the next statement loops through each
of them, producing links to the individual
galleries. You can still do this even with only one gallery.
<r:galleries:each level="current">
<div class="gallery">
<div class="thumb" style="background-image:
url(’<r:gallery:item:thumb width=“120” position=“first” />’);">
<r:gallery:name />
<r:gallery:link />
<r:gallery:description />
<r:gallery:description />
This next loop picks up information about each item (ie. photo) in
the gallery and creates thumbnails and links
to each of the photos. This is what you see when you click on the
gallery link produced above.
<div class=“thumb” style=“background-image:
url(’<r:gallery:item:thumb width=“150” />’)”>
<a href="<r:gallery:item:thumb width=“500” />"
rel=“lightbox[<r:gallery:name />]” title="<r:gallery:item:name />">
<r:gallery:item:name />
This next bit is what formats the page for individual photos, with
navigation links to next/previous items.
<r:gallery:item:name />
<r:gallery:item:description />
Most of the above code will be in the sample gallery, if you installed
Assuming you used my example names, you can go to
/photos (the Photos gallery-type page) and the
above code should display your “MyPics” gallery (and any others you
add later).
Hope this helps.