Vacation Reading Recommendations

I’m looking for a programming related good book(not about ruby or rails
) to
stretch my brain while on vacation and away from the computer for a
Something similar to the classic GOF design patterns or Martin F.'s
refactoring book. I was an MIS student, not computer science, so I’ve
thinking of cracking a book on data structures or algorithms. Here’s
possible contenders, any other suggestions?

*Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools

Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of

The Art of Computer Programming
Structure and Interpretation of Computer

blinking bear wrote:

I’m looking for a programming related good book(not about ruby or rails )
stretch my brain while on vacation and away from the computer for a week.
Something similar to the classic GOF design patterns or Martin F.'s
refactoring book.

/Refactoring to Patterns/ by Josh Kereivsky.

Test Driven Ajax (on Rails) [Book]
“Test Driven Ajax (on Rails)”
assert_xpath, assert_javascript, & assert_ajax

One of my favorites is

Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns, and Practices
by Robert C. Martin

On 7/7/07, blinking bear [email protected] wrote:

The Art of Computer Programming

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

Domain Driven Design is my favorite design-related book. I highly
recommend it.


On Saturday 07 July 2007, blinking bear wrote:

I’m looking for a programming related good book(not about ruby or
rails ) to stretch my brain while on vacation and away from the
computer for a week. Something similar to the classic GOF design
patterns or Martin F.'s refactoring book. I was an MIS student,
not computer science, so I’ve been thinking of cracking a book on
data structures or algorithms. Here’s some possible contenders, any
other suggestions?

Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools

I really doubt if you can get much out of this book in only a week.
Usually, it is used for semester long courses.

Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of

Unquestionably a good book. Possibly a bit too close to work if you’re
looking for a mind opener.

The Art of Computer Programming

I’ve always admired and avoided this one. If you can’t extend your
holidays by at least two years, you probably won’t make it even past
the mathematical preliminaries.

A more accessible algorithms/datastructures book is “Introduction to
Algorithms” by Cormen, Leiserson, and Rivest. But make no mistake, all
these “academic” books tend to be heavy on the maths. If you’re not
interested in detailed complexity analyses at any rate, there are a
number of other algorithms/datastructures books, although I can’t
recommend any one specifically.

Structure and Interpretation of Computer

From a practical point of view, SICP is the one you will probably get
the most out of if you have about a week. You can quickly move over the
easier parts that and go as far as your time permits. Incidentally, I
had my copy in my hands today and the thought struck me that there’s no
other programming book that tought me more.


Michael S.
mailto:[email protected]

Thanks for the feedback. I actually ended up picking up Volume 1 of the
of Computer Programming. I’m leaving in a week and SICP won’t ship
then on amazon (though I might print out some of the online edition).
Reading the first few pages of Art of Programming so far reminds me of
starting In Search of Lost Time again…