On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 16:27, Colin L. [email protected] wrote
to JavierQQ [email protected]:
You are still being too vague about your requirement, for me anyway.
I think I grok what he wants and can express it briefly: the
combination of evaluation_id and qnumber, must be unique.
If that’s right, then the Rails Guide on validation (and callbacks)
has a close example:
validates :name, :uniqueness => { :scope => :year,
:message => "should happen once per year" }
but the OP says that:
validates_uniqueness_of :qnumber, :scope => :evaluation_id
isn’t working, and IIUC should be equivalent to
validates :qnumber, :uniqueness => { :scope => :evaluation_id }
Just in case I don’t UC:
JavierQQ, try this:
validates :qnumber, :uniqueness => { :scope => :evaluation_id,
:message => "must be unique within each evaluation" }
in the model, and let us know what happens. Don’t worry about what
controller it’s going through to get there.
PS: As for top vs. bottom posting, another point of list etiquette
that some people have been violating is that if you change the
subject, change the Subject.
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Specialization is for insects. (Heinlein) - Have Pun, Will Babble!