Validates_format_of problem with REGEX

Dear Railers,

I’m having trouble with the following code:

validates_format_of :class, :with => /^PL[DTV]\d{1}[a-z]{1}/, :message
=> ‘blah blah:’

The class should start with PL and be followed by D, T or V, followed
by 1 digit and one letter.

Now I tried things like PLV2a, PLT1c and so on; none will validate…

I tried the REGEX it in BBedit with GREP searching and the pattern
^PL[DTV]\d{1}[a-z]{1} finds all of them without problems…

Any clue…

Kind regards,


le colibri wrote:

validates_format_of :class, :with => /^PL[DTV]\d{1}[a-z]{1}/, :message
=> ‘blah blah:’

The class should start with PL and be followed by D, T or V, followed
by 1 digit and one letter.

Now I tried things like PLV2a, PLT1c and so on; none will validate…

I tried the REGEX it in BBedit with GREP searching and the pattern
^PL[DTV]\d{1}[a-z]{1} finds all of them without problems…

Rename your attribute to avoid clashing with the built-in class method.

We develop, watch us RoR, in numbers too big to ignore.

Mark Reginald J. wrote:

I tried the REGEX it in BBedit with GREP searching and the pattern
^PL[DTV]\d{1}[a-z]{1} finds all of them without problems…

Rename your attribute to avoid clashing with the built-in class method.

Thanks Mark, it works like a charm now.
