Hey all,
I look at the rails documentation validation helpers:
It has this example:
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_inclusion_of :states, :in => lambda{ |person|
STATES[person.country] }
So basically when you update a record, that object instance is passed
into the lambda and validation occurs.
I try to emulate same thing:
class Subject < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_inclusion_of :screening, :in => lambda { |subject|
(subject.screened_on + 7.days)…(subject.screened_on + 14.days) }
So basically I just want to make sure the date they entered is between
dates the object was screend.
However, I get this error:
validations.rb:908:in `validates_inclusion_of’: An object with the
method include? is required must be supplied as the :in option of the
configuration hash (ArgumentError)
Ok so the source code shows this line:
enum = configuration[:in] || configuration[:within]
608: raise(ArgumentError, “An object with the method include?
required must be supplied as the :in option of the configuration
unless enum.respond_to?(“include?”)
Granted, a model instance does not have the include? method. So then
why does the example in the rails documentation work and what can I do
to emulate that?
thanks for response