I am having trouble with validation and user-friendly error messages
when I create a new “Spot” and an associated (has_many) “Title”.
I have the following models:
class Spot < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :titles,
:dependent => :destroy,
:conditions => “active = 1”
validates_length_of :address,
:in => 1…1000,
:too_short => “The Address cannot be blank.”,
:too_long => “The Address needs to be less than %d
class Title < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :spot
validates_length_of :title,
:in => 1…255,
:too_short => “The Title cannot be blank.”,
:too_long => “The Title needs to be less than %d
:message => nil
Then in my new.html.ebr view I use multiple objects in
error_messages_for to show both validation results, and I use
fields_for to generate the Spot portion the form.
error_messages_for (:object => [@spot.titles[0], @spot])
<% form_for(@spot) do |f| %>
<% fields_for(@spot.titles[0]) do |t_form| %>
<%= t_form.text_field :title %>
<% end %>
<%= f.text_area :address %>
<%= f.submit "Create" %>
<% end %>Here are the new and create actions in the Spots controller.
def new
@spot = Spot.new
@spot.titles[0] = Title.new
respond_to do |format|
format.html # new.html.erb
format.xml { render :xml => @spot }
def create
@spot = Spot.new(params[:spot])
@spot.titles[0] = Title.new(params[:title])
#set the new title
@spot.titles[0].active = 1
respond_to do |format|
if @spot.save
flash[:notice] = 'Spot was successfully created.'
format.html { redirect_to(@spot) }
format.xml { render :xml => @spot, :status
=> :created, :location => @spot }
format.html { render :action => “new” }
format.xml { render :xml => @spot.errors, :status
=> :unprocessable_entity }
Everything works, but I am seeing a couple of strange things that I
don’t really understand.
First, the title is being validated, which is good, but I don’t have
to include a validates_associated call in the Spot model like I would
if this was a has_one relationship. Why is that?
Second, when there is an error in the title field, error_messages_for
(:object => [@spot.titles[0], @spot]) displays two errors, the first
one is what I expect “The Title cannot be blank.” but I also get an
additional error “Titles is invalid.” This error is part of the @spot
object. I would like to be able to remove this message, because it is
a duplicate, and because I don’t know where to change the verbiage to
something more user friendly.
Thanks for any information.
Nick Carlevaris