I’m able to install the radiant 0.9.1 gem and it’s dependencies no
problem but when I start Mongrel and switch to the “Administrator”
view, I don’t see a way to edit/view the Articles. I see the arrow
next to Articles indicating that it’s a parent with child entries but
I see no way to display those child entries. At first I thought it may
have been a browser compatibility issue (was using chrome) but
switched to IE and am seeing the same thing.
So it looks like it’s a CSS/JS issue. I ran a quick HTTP trace and
noticed that /admin/dropdown.js was 404ing. I then re-created a
radiant project and sure enough that JS file was missing from the
initial set of files radiant generates. dropdown.js is in the Git repo
it was updated a day ago
So what gives?
I did a quick sanity check against the live Radiant demo and http://demo.radiantcms.org/admin/pages is styled and behaves very
differently from what I’m getting out-of-the-box the radiant 0.9.1
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