I have a strange one here but there’s probably a very simple solution
(though I’ve been unable to google it).
I have a varchar(100) column called name (t.string :name, :limit => 100,
:null => false).
I have a …
validates_uniqueness_of :name,
:scope => :event_group_id,
:case_sensitve => false
which is producing the following SQL …
SELECT event_categories.id FROM event_categories WHERE
(event_categories.name = BINARY ‘road’ AND event_categories.event_group_id = 790727023) LIMIT 1;
Note the BINARY in the query. How could this happen?
I have other requests to that table (JQuery autocomplete, for example)
it doesn’t introduce the BINARY.
I am running MySQL version 5.1.49-1ubuntu8.1
Rails 2.3.8
I am running MySQL version 5.1.49-1ubuntu8.1
Rails 2.3.8
Any pointers would be great
Since, by default, MySQL is case-insensitive, that is the way that a
case-SENSITIVE comparison is made. Does it make a difference if you
take the “:case_sensitive => false” off of the validation?