Version 3.7 gr.remez problem

hi, in this file:

there is a definition for a remez filter that uses the gr.remez
It seems it,s not here anymore in the new version. How can I replace it?

any hints appreciated since both the IRC channel and the search engine
haven’t really helped.


On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 7:39 PM, kdag [email protected] wrote:

hi, in this file:

there is a definition for a remez filter that uses the gr.remez function. It
seems it,s not here anymore in the new version. How can I replace it?

any hints appreciated since both the IRC channel and the search engine
haven’t really helped.


Well, I have to say that I’m a bit hurt by this email. After all, I
did answer your question on IRC. Though you came back later with
another question, and also though you have given us very little
information to go on to help you.

First, as I explained on IRC, that function was renamed pm_remez and
is found in the filter module (from gnuradio import filter;

From the looks of things, you have older code installed and now are
trying to use GNU Radio 3.7.x. We always recommend to remove any
previous installed files when updating to a new GNU Radio API version
(e.g., from 3.6 to 3.7). The new file uses the pm_remez

There many other changes that are similarly semantic between the
versions. You can get more information about the changes here:


opps, my excuses if it was so rough but i tried (as said on the IRC
–with-ignorance) to understand what you suggested and passed on to a
second similar error. we tried to rename and compare the files but
it was late and decided to send another email to the list since google
not many hints *remez related search.

i have installed gnuradio with the build-gnuradio script that is
to delete all previous installs.

will continue today trying to understand what could be the issue…
apologies again.