Vim integration


Does anybody have a vim script that enables me to run specs from within
vim and have the cursor positioned on the right line in case of a



On Dec 14, 2007 6:52 AM, Erik T. [email protected] wrote:


Does anybody have a vim script that enables me to run specs from within
vim and have the cursor positioned on the right line in case of a backtrace?



Having finally gone back to vim from textmate (after finding
GitHub - macvim-dev/macvim: Vim - the text editor - for macOS), I picked up tpope’s rails.vim
again, which now has lots of rspec goodness, too. From inside a spec,
:Rake will run the spec, and jumps to the proper line in case of
failure. :A will move from spec to the implementation (or the
reverse), :AS will do it in a new split window, etc.

It’s very, very nice.

Rails.vim only works, of course, within rails projects. And vim
internals terrify me, so I don’t know how easily his magics could be
extracted. But if you’re doing rails dev, rails.vim is definitely
worth checking out.

Error : vim online - rails.vim - biodegradablegeek Resources and Information.

  • found this when googling for rails.vim, looks useful
