Virtual hosts


I use the following line in nginx.conf to serve websites for a bunch of
virtual hosts:

include /usr/local/etc/nginx/vhosts/*.conf;

…and a typical configuration file for each virtual host looks like

server {
listen 80;
rewrite ^/(.*) permanent;

server {
listen 80;

 location / {
     root /home/w/www001;
     index index.php index.html index.htm;

 error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
 location = /50x.html {
     root /usr/local/etc/nginx/errorpages;

 error_page 404 /404.html;
 location = /404.html {
     root /usr/local/etc/nginx/errorpages;

 location ~ \.php$ {
     fastcgi_index index.php;
     fastcgi_intercept_errors on;
     fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME 

include fastcgi_params;

 location ~ /\.ht {
     deny all;


I find it overly complex and redundant to include all of this in every
file however.

For example, would it be possible to put the error_page stuff in the
nginx.conf instead? Like a global option for everything.

Also, is it possible to use variables in the configuration file? Right
now I’m
hard-coding the domain/host name into several places in each *.conf
file, and
also the path to the actual files. This makes it a PITA to maintain.

I’ve only been using nginx for a very short time, so I’m open for any
suggestions. :slight_smile:


You can use variables to set paths and such and then include files
with similar directives that may have replacements. Not every
directive supports variables, but many do. Redundant is not a bad
thing, because actually it is far from complex - it is quite simple!
This is a good thing. Making a single server handle every virtual
host is much more complex and not nearly as efficient (nor flexible).

I recommend trying include directive, as you can easily put the error
page directives for example in there verbatim and save you a line.
Another way to save a line with the error page directives is to give
each host actual files in their document roots to correspond to the
error pages, then you don’t need to specify a location and root
anymore PLUS your users get the benefit of custom error pages.

– Merlin

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On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 05:23:28AM -0700, merlin corey wrote:


You can use variables to set paths and such and then include files
with similar directives that may have replacements. Not every
directive supports variables, but many do. Redundant is not a bad

Variables are evaluated at runtime for every request. Dont do
that just to shorten configs.

Maxim D.

Here is what i do:

  • create file like settings in /etc/nginx
  • put common settings in that file
  • add “include settings;” in vhost config

Can’t be easier, good luck.

Posted at Nginx Forum: