[vlad] migration fails with access denied

I configured a virtual VMware server inside my workstation to run my
test on a host only network.

Deployment via vlad transfers the repository from the git repository on
my workstation to the server and issues several password requests.

Anything works fine, until rake tries to migrate. Here is the output of
my deployment job on the workstation console:

rake vlad:setup vlad:update vlad:migrate vlad:start
(in /home/inet/Aptana RadRails Workspace/wvz)
inet@oag-server’s password:
inet@oag-server’s password:
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/inet/oag-server/scm/repo/.git/
Switched to a new branch ‘deployed-HEAD’
inet@oag-server’s password:
inet@oag-server’s password:
inet@oag-server’s password:
inet@oag-server’s password:
inet@oag-server’s password:
rake aborted!
Access denied for user ‘inet’@‘localhost’ (using password: YES)

(See full trace by running task with --trace)
(in /home/inet/oag-server/releases/20100205000412)
rake aborted!
execution failed with status 1: ssh oag-server cd
/home/inet/oag-server/releases/20100205000412; rake RAILS_ENV=production

(See full trace by running task with --trace)

Has anybody an idea, what could be the reason for this mysterious
“Access denied”?