Essendo il RubyDay organizzato dalla community (con la recente
associazione no-profit) per la community, e per non aspettare il
prossimo anno anche se siamo un pò in ritardo con l’organizzazione,
abbiamo deciso di rendere pubblica la selezione dei talk che saranno
presenti quest anno.
la selezione anonima aiuta a evitare (eventuali) bias
Capisco, avevo immaginato il motivo.
Avevo chiesto perch, ad esempio, il talk su rails 4 lo riterrei
interessante rispetto ad altri solo se lo tenesse qualcuno del core
Stiamo diventando veramente EMEA (empowering and connecting with Africa
! )
Il proponente un neolaureato egiziano e dice:
I am an experienced engineer with a wide range of experience, work on
initiative, and proven leadership skills include developing and
others to achieve their objectives also I am Studying Architecture
Engineering at El Shrouk Academy in Egypt, I have volunteered in
kinds of NGOs that widen my experience and gives me full sight of my
society and environment.
48,57% (34) Redis & Ruby like a pro
44,29% (31) Fat models must die
41,43% (29) Concurrency vs Parallelism
37,14% (26) DDD in Ruby
37,14% (26) A Rails Criticism
35,71% (25) Securing your API via OAuth (2.0) and Ruby on Rails
34,29% (24) Functional programming for the Rubyist
32,86% (23) Code it from scratch
28,57% (20) Refactoring with Class (and Objects too)
27,14% (19) Vim for Rubyists
25,71% (18) JavaScript on Ruby
25,71% (18) REST with sinatra
25,71% (18) Solid as diamond: use ruby in an web application
penetration test
21,43% (15) Roll your own web crawler
21,43% (15) Writing native gems, a sober guide
21,43% (15) Cooking lessons with Vim and Tmux
20% (14) Opal, Ruby is back! …on your browser!
20% (14) Rubymotion for fun and profits
18,57% (13) Eseguire e monitorare applicazioni Rack con uWSGI
17,14% (12) Startups in 42,195 km
14,29% (10) Curly — Refactoring the view layer
14,29% (10) Transforming trash into gems: a Machine Learning approach
to improve recycling
12,86% (9) And now you have two problems. Ruby regular expressions for
fun and profit
11,43% (8) Currently I have no idea
11,43% (8) Digging, scraping and cleaning: mining the web with
8,57% (6) The Egyptian revolution
8,57% (6) Gestire VMware vSphere Hypervisor con Ruby
1,43% (1) deltacloud