WANTED: Ruby Programmer to Lead IN COMMON to v1.0 Release


The offer is for a Ruby developer situated in Europe willing to take the lead on a Ruby on Rails API-only development. Women are most welcome. The job is currently funded for 12K :euro: and expects further engagement from the candidate beyond this contract for the next few years. More funding will be available as this not-for-profit, commons-based project expands.

Discussion here or at the above URL is welcome.


I can help you certainly email at [[email protected]] or Skype : cis.am3


I hope you enjoyed the Summer break if you’re in the Northern hemisphere. The job offer is still open. The IN COMMON collective would like to get started with development within 15 days, so please apply now.

A small reminder: you MUST be able to visit Brussels at least once a month or so. If you live in India, this will not happen, sorry.

The job was fulfilled already.

Besides, you’re in Dubai, not so close to Brussels, are you. I’m tempted to mark you as a spammer.