Watir 3 Released!

Hello everyone!

I’m happy to announce that Watir 3 has been finally released!

Its biggest goal is to conform even better with WatirSpec making it more
compliant with Watir-WebDriver.

Changelog is quite long, but reading it makes your life easier:

  • Browser#status returns an empty string if status bar is disabled in
  • Browser#style fixed for IE9
  • #execute_script evaluates JavaScript code inside of an anonymous
    function - use “return” statement if value is needed by Ruby
  • #execute_script returns nil instead of ‘undefined’
  • drag and drop fixed for IE9
  • Window#current? and Window#== are more robust
  • all html elements are now supported (even html5 ones)
  • CookieManager removed
  • cookies API support added
  • drag and drop API support added
  • Element#(before|after)? removed
  • Element#(before|after)_text removed
  • Browser#cell(s) and Browser#row(s) removed
  • Browser#Element camelCase methods removed, use under_score methods
  • Browser#element(s) supports only general attributes like :id, :title,
    :class_name, :text, :html and such
  • Browser#modal_dialog improved
  • Browser#send_keys and Element#send_keys have now same syntax as
    specified in WatirSpec
  • Element#style returns internal styles only for IE9, inline style will
    be returned for IE8
  • Table#each removed - use Table#(trs|rows).each instead
  • Table#row(s) and Table#cell(s) added which ignore inner tables - use
    #td/#tr for all.
  • raise an Exception if more locators are specified with :xpath/:css
  • searching by :xpath and :css code rewritten
  • Browser#textarea(s) method for searching elements
  • Element#focus works with IE9
  • Element#focused? returns the state of focus on that element
  • Element#to_subtype returns Element if non-supported tag found instead
    of crashing
  • searching by :class will match now partially like other tools behave
    (e.g. jQuery)
  • Button#text returns value if exists instead of text
  • Browser#goto prepends url automatically with http:// if scheme is
  • Browser#element(s)by(xpath/css) are now private methods - use
    #element(:css => …) and #element(:xpath => …) instead
  • Browser#label supports searching by :for attribute
  • Browser#options method for searching elements
  • Browser#body, #thead, #tfoot, #tbody, #frameset and #fieldset added
  • Browser#window and Browser#windows added implementing window switching
  • Element#present? returns false if exception is thrown by #exists? or
  • Element#style returns CSS text instead of OLE object
  • Element#text returns an empty string for non-visible elements
  • Element#parent returns correct instance of Element class (e.g. Div
    instead of Element)
  • Element#focus focuses document before focusing on the element
  • Element#right_click and Element#double_click added
  • Element#to_subtype added which returns specific instance of
    Watir::Element subclass
  • Element#send_keys added
  • Element#eql? as an alias for Element#== added
  • Element#tag_name added
  • ElementCollection#[] method supports negative indexes like regular
  • ElementCollection#[] returns always an object, even if the index is
    out of bounds
  • FileField#set and Image#save uses correct Windows file path (e.g.
    convert ""-es into “/”-es)
  • FileField#set raises Errno::ENOENT instead of WatirException if file
    doesn’t exist
  • FileField#value= as an alias for FileField#set added
  • Font#color, #face and #size added
  • Form#submit triggers onSubmit event and doesn’t submit the form if
    event’s callback returns false
  • Frame#execute_script added
  • Image#file_size, #height and #width return integer instead of a string
  • Image#save blocking fixed
  • Meta#content and #http_equiv added
  • Option code rewritten, causing changes in its API
  • SelectList code rewritten, causing changes in its API
  • SelectList#(selected_)options returns now Options collection instead
    of an array of strings
  • Table and its subelements code rewritten, causing changes in its API
  • Table#strings and #hashes added
  • TextField#label added
  • searching elements will find only correct types - e.g. using
    Browser#div returns only DIV element even if all other provided
    selectors match
  • all selectors and tag of the element needs to match even if searching
    by :id
  • supporting html5 data-* attributes by using :data_* for locating and
    #data_* for retrieving attribute values
  • many other internal changes

Please try it out by executing:
gem install watir

Check out more from http://watir.com and GitHub - watir/watir: Watir Powered By Selenium

With Best Regards,
Jarmo P.

On Apr 23, 2012, at 11:56 , Jarmo P. wrote:

Changelog is quite long, but reading it makes your life easier:

I recommend sorting the list next time. That way related items (mostly)
naturally group.

Ryan D. wrote in post #1058028:

On Apr 23, 2012, at 11:56 , Jarmo P. wrote:

Changelog is quite long, but reading it makes your life easier:

I recommend sorting the list next time. That way related items (mostly)
naturally group.

Thanks for the tip! Next time i’ll pay more attention to that detail.
