Watir: How could i click this radio button?

I have tried several different ways, but didn’t succeed. I have a radio
button which is written in onfocus javascript. If click on it, there
should another radio button should show up. This is what html source
code looks like:


The attached picture is what it looks like after one of the button is
chosen. Could someone help?


Maung A. wrote:

I have tried several different ways, but didn’t succeed. I have a radio
button which is written in onfocus javascript. If click on it, there
should another radio button should show up. This is what html source
code looks like:


The attached picture is what it looks like after one of the button is
chosen. Could someone help?


Well, this belongs with the rails questions than a ruby one, but i’ll
try my best. You could either do an AJAX call to update the page, or
just use css to hide the radio button and then onclick use css to show
it. Look at a few different javascrip libraries, MooTools is a good one
and so is jQuery. Here is a link I found with a google search.

