So I’m going through the rspec book right now, and get to page 72, as it
introduces Spec::Mocks::Methods#as_null_object . In the book, it doesn’t
describe how it operates, or much detail about it other than it tells to
expect certain data, and ignore the rest.
ri Spec::Mocks::Methods#as_null_object simply states “no definition”.???
So, does anyone else have some more info on this? What is it, what’s
it’s total useage? what can I cook with it? Can I bbq it? What exactly?
So I’m going through the rspec book right now, and get to page 72, as it
introduces Spec::Mocks::Methods#as_null_object . In the book, it doesn’t
describe how it operates, or much detail about it other than it tells to
expect certain data, and ignore the rest.
ri Spec::Mocks::Methods#as_null_object simply states “no definition”.???
Just added that so you’ll be able to get that definition from ri after
next release.
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