What gems should I have my hosting co. install?

I shouldn’t be surprised seeing as this is a US company and I know this
is very much a generalisation but UK companies just don’t know the
meaning of customer service like US companies. I moved to US hosting
after several months of horror with a UK based hosting company. I asked
my new hosting company to give me a hand getting a local gem working and
was emailed back and asked what gems I would like installed system wide
and they would get it done!

So here is my question - I only have need for RMagick at this point but
what other gems should I ask them to install? There must be common ones
that I may have need to use at some point in the future.

On Nov 30, 2006, at 1:24 PM, Chad T. wrote:

So here is my question - I only have need for RMagick at this point
what other gems should I ask them to install? There must be common
that I may have need to use at some point in the future.

Have them install exactly what you need, and next time you add one, give
them another call. :slight_smile:

You don’t want older versions of gems than you’re developing on, and
don’t want to do work now that might go un-utilized.

– Tom M., CTO
– Engine Y., Ruby on Rails Hosting
– Reliability, Ease of Use, Scalability
– (866) 518-YARD (9273)