What is "The Rails Way" to do this?

I have a PHP application with the following in one of the “views”:

<input type="button" onClick="newAlt()" value=" + "></nobr>

The JavaScript for “newAlt()” is:

// using DOM create new input box for alternate part
function newAlt() {
var html = "<input style=‘background-color:#FFFFCC’ ";
html += "type=‘text’ id=‘rowcol’ name=‘partalternate.0.altpartnumber’
html += "joinkey=‘partid=<?=$partid?>’ ";
html += "attrib=‘unique’ size=‘20’ ";
html += “onChange=‘cellTripolar(this)’>\n”;
document.getElementById(“partnumber”).innerHTML += html;
html = "<input style=‘background-color:#FFFFCC’ ";
html += "type=‘text’ id=‘rowcol’
name=‘partalternate.0.altmanufacturer’ ";
html += "joinkey=‘partid=<?=$partid?>’ ";
html += "attrib=‘unique’ size=‘20’> ";
document.getElementById(“manufacturer”).innerHTML += html;

What is the Rails way to render the HTML that get’s dynamically added to
page when the user presses the “+” button?


On 13 Dec 2008, at 15:49, Patrick D. wrote:

0.altpartnumber’ ";

What is the Rails way to render the HTML that get’s dynamically
added to the page when the user presses the “+” button?

update_page do |page|
page.insert_html :bottom, ‘partnumber’, :partial => ‘some_partial’
page.insert_html :bottom, ‘manufacturer’, :partial =>

would generate javascript similar to the body of that method


On Sat, Dec 13, 2008 at 11:34 AM, Frederick C. <
removed_email_address@domain.invalid> wrote:

// using DOM create new input box for alternate part
0.altmanufacturer’ ";
page.insert_html :bottom, ‘partnumber’, :partial => ‘some_partial’
page.insert_html :bottom, ‘manufacturer’, :partial =>

would generate javascript similar to the body of that method


Thanks… that gives me the direction to go looking. I’ll still need to
figure out whether that code coes in the view or in the controller, and
one hooks up that code to the onClick property of the button, but I’m
there are 100’s of tutorials out there that describe that.

Thanks again.
