Ok, so here’s the scenario. I have a top-level module, with a method
load_file. It should take a file name, get the YAML module (Syck) to
it, and then send the result to a class, which should convert that
into a series of objects.
I’m not sure what specs, if any, I should write for load_file. I can get
into the nitty gritty details of exactly what methods it should be
but that seems brittle. I can skip all that and just make assertions
the final series of objects, but I’d rather put those specs on the class
that’s actually doing the conversion.
Suggestions? Here’s the code that I (think I) want to drive out:
module BTree
def self.load_file file_name
raw = YAML::load_file file_name
tree = BehaviorTreeCreator.new(raw).create
If you’re writing a unit test for a method, the general rule of thumb
is to test what the method itself does. That sounds tautological, but
it’s meant to define the boundary of what you should and shouldn’t
care about.
In this case, you only care about the fact that YAML::load_file is
called, and that BehaviorTreeCreator.new is then called with the
result of that, and that that result has create invoked on it.
That’s it: if those three things happen, then this method is working
as you expect.
Your unit tests for BehaviorTreeCreator.new and .create will probably be
Suggestions? Here’s the code that I (think I) want to drive out:
module BTree
def self.load_file file_name
raw = YAML::load_file file_name
tree = BehaviorTreeCreator.new(raw).create
Its not obvious what specs to write for load_file because load_file is
poorly named. It does far more than load a file. If you write your
for load file and read them, they won’t make sense e.g.
load_file should use YAML (why should it use YAML, and what happens if
file isn’t YAML
load_file should create a behaviour tree (why should it create a TREE)
Perhaps BTree only needs a yaml_to_tree, and you can pass the yaml into
method. If this was the case you might spec the following:
what happens if you pass invalid YAML
what happens if you pass valid YAML
what happens if you pass nothing
Generally if a method is hard to spec, then its smelly, there is
wrong with it, it needs work
Yeah, that’s about what I figured, thanks. This is what I came up with:
require ‘spec_helper.rb’
require ‘yaml’
describe “BTree” do
describe “.load_file” do
context “when the file exists” do
before(:all) { File.open(“test_file.yaml”, ‘w’) {|f| } }
after(:all) { File.delete “test_file.yaml”}
after(:each) { BTree.load_file "test_file.yaml" }
it "parses the yaml in the file" do
it "converts the raw data into a tree" do
fake_creator = Object.new
fake_creator.stub! :create
BehaviorCreator.stub!(:new).and_return :tree
fake_creator.should_receive :create
context "when the file doesn't exist" do
it "raises an error" do
lambda { BTree.load_file "non_existent.yaml" }.should
An interesting perspective. The purpose of the behavior tree module is
provide a simple, standard way to represent behaviors in a plain-text
format. I’m borrowing YAML because it seems like a good, lightweight
approach. I’m using load_file (and load) to mirror YAML::load_file (and
YAML::load). I’ll definitely take some of your ideas into consideration,
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