On 20 Sep 2009, at 18:35, James E. wrote:
I feel like I’m missing a major point here. Assuming the table is
correctly range partitioned and indexed, most databases should be
able to handle relatively large table sizes. I agree that is a best
practice to archive old, unused data, but that can likely be done on
a monthly basis, or less often, depending on traffic. Why would you
need to consider a solution that “will ramp up proportionally with
The original poster was asking for the correct way to clean the
sessions table. Although there is no clear cut answer to that one, I
personally feel random number generation is by no means the correct
way to go. Yes, the database should be able to look up sessions very
quickly, but as you pointed out, depending on traffic, it will
eventually drain needless resources as the number of records increase,
both in terms of server cycles and storage.
Now, until cookie-based storage became available, we used the database
for session storage and used quite a few techniques over the years
we’ve been developing Rails apps. As the number of applications
increased, we started handling it differently. In rough lines, we used:
- First couple of applications: before_filter triggered by
authentication (or some other action that clearly had to do with
- Cron tab that invokes script/runner during low traffic times (the
problem here was that for each of the applications, a whole Rails
instance was started and that consumed quite a bit of memory as the
number of apps increased on the VPS we then had)
- Cron tab that invoked the mysql command line and just went through
all of the databases deleting sessions in one session
The last solution was really quick, used very little resources and
worked fine during the time we actually needed it. It was a little
bash script, nothing special, along the lines of:
mysql -h localhost -u[someuser-with-necessary-privileges] <
where sql_commands_file just had a series of commands to clean the
USE databasename1
DELETE FROM sessions WHERE NOW() - updated_at > 3600
USE databasename2
DELETE FROM sessions WHERE NOW() - updated_at > 3600
USE databasename3
DELETE FROM sessions WHERE NOW() - updated_at > 3600
I think we cleaned it up a bit by just generating the whole sql
commands sequence in bash using loop script, but you get the picture.
Best regards
Peter De Berdt